Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The Dalai Lama being escorted through the White House back door, past bags of garbage, is unthinkable

Zero class here for Team Obama and the fraud of hope n change… the Dalai Lama being escorted through the White House back door, past bags of garbage, this is unthinkable!

Yes, that’s the Dalai Lama leaving the White House via the back door – into a mound of trash. His Holiness had just finished his meeting with President Obama. And he is pointing at the heap of garbage in his path.
Another example of Obama’s disdain for anyone that has more popularity than he.
God Bless America!

We need to get rid of the OBAMANATION in OUR WHITE HOUSE!

Things are already so bad that you can pick almost every number and find a corresponding statistic that shows just how bad the economy is getting.

Liberals said Bush was trying to destroy New Orleans, Obama is destroying the entire Nation!

Monday, July 5, 2010

Take your time Mr. Obama, the Gulf of Mexico oil spill will probably dry up and go away... some day!

According to a study published by Texas A&M; University Press, the four biggest industries in the Gulf of Mexico region are Oil tourism, fishing and shipping. Together, those four industries account for approximately $234 billion in economic activity each year. Now those four industries have been absolutely decimated by not fully recover for years, if not decades.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Michael Steele’s Comments

The more I try to work out what Steele was actually thinking when he suggested that the war was just Obama being “cute” the more I become totally convinced that this is a man who cannot possibly stay as leader. He obviously thought he was being clever and off the cuff. He wasn’t. He was being insulting to this country and it’s troops. Yes maybe he didn’t mean it, but it’s not something a powerful leader on a world stage should ever say joking or not. He was a bad choice from the start and only got the job because Obama won the election.