Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The Dalai Lama being escorted through the White House back door, past bags of garbage, is unthinkable

Zero class here for Team Obama and the fraud of hope n change… the Dalai Lama being escorted through the White House back door, past bags of garbage, this is unthinkable!

Yes, that’s the Dalai Lama leaving the White House via the back door – into a mound of trash. His Holiness had just finished his meeting with President Obama. And he is pointing at the heap of garbage in his path.
Another example of Obama’s disdain for anyone that has more popularity than he.
God Bless America!


Lisa said...
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Lisa said...

Hmm treated with the same respect as Benjamin Netanyahu,Poland and Britain.
Now this faux president is having
Netanyahu again for a redo as a prerequisite to the Nov elections.
Can you believe this poser we have sitting in the White House?
Linked you from Mal's blog.

jadedfellow said...

Somebody needs to save these pictures and send to obummer when he voted out for the trashing he is doing to this country. He's got my vote as the all Trasher In Chief.

Amusing Bunni said...

Hi Voice of Reason!
Thanks for finding and following my blog, I'm following yours now.

Yes, it's totally appalling how obummer treats real holy men and dignitaries. History is littered with his awful antics. I hope Bibi gives him the same respect he showed him in march, NONE!

WomanHonorThyself said...

hey there VOR..only terrorists get the time of day from Hussein..ugh HOPE YOURE HAVIN A SUPER WEEKEND! :-)